Recent statistics showed that over 10,000 new cancer cases were diagnosed each year. From 2001 to 2007, cancer is the leading cause of death in Hong Kong, while lung cancer and colorectal cancer are most commonly seen in Hong Kong among all. Most cases of lung and colorectal cancers were usually detected in late stages, new drugs or potent drugs are often needed. New drugs and potent drugs for cancer treatment are extremely costly which imposes a heavy burden on the impoverished cancer patients and their families. The 28th Term Board of Directors of Yan Oi Tong decided to establish the Yan Oi Tong Chong Sok Un Medical Fund (cancer aid) to palliate their sufferings.
The Yan Oi Tong Chong Sok Un Medical Fund (cancer aid) aims to help the impoverished cancer patients by providing cash subsidies for them to purchase self-financed drugs, enables patients to receive the most appropriate treatments, and eventually increase their cure rates. For more information, please refer to the relevant commemorative publications.
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